Online store is managed by:

PAPRO Simon Pervanja s.p., Dolanci 15, SI-6222 Stanjel, Slovenia

phone:  +386 5 76 91 094, +386 41 725 215


Bank account at PRIMORSKA HRANILNICA VIPAVA d.d.  SI56 6400 0940 1060 949   HKVISI22

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The bobbin lace patterns of author Irma Pervanja are offered in this online store. The author has been introduced to lace at the Idrija Lace School, first as a student and then as a pattern designer and teacher. 
She spent a lot of time creating at home as well. The result is an extensive collection of patterns and a part of it is now presented to you.

Images of the patterns are for information purposes only. They are made in lower quality which enables the web site to work faster. 

The patterns are protected by copyright law and other laws and regulations of copyright. It is prohibited to copy or reproduce them in any way without the prior written consent of the author.

Detailed instructions of Idrija lace can be found in several books and other publications, available in the Idrija Lace School

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